Unit 7 Cities/States review

You should know:

1. How the rise of the state system is determined from the archeological record

2. what appears in human culture that is not seen before the rise of the state

3. theories about the reasons for creation of the state

4. consequences of state formation

5. the reasons for decline and collapse of states

Main concepts of Cities and States:

Pre 8000 ya communities vs. 5500 ya shift to “states” and “civilization”(stratified political systems with the characteristics listed below).  Know the differences between these and neolithic egalitarian society, with its sustainable communities, no craftspeople


  • cultural factors that are not seen before this time:

hierarchical and centralized decision making affects                               a large population/geographic area

part of population NOT involved in food production

full time religious and craft specialists

public buildings (ziggurats, pyramids, temples, etc.)

official art style, literature, etc.

hierarchical society, elite ruling and religious class

exclusive use of force to further social goals


  • Early Uruk, state structure as example of increasingly complex society
  • 7000 ya to 5500 ya – “Formative era” for creation of cities and states
  • Role of irrigation in agriculture and political structure
  • commodity seals, message seals, bullae  — why these are important
  • cuneiform writing – origins, eventual uses, how our view of the past is changed


What is the archeological evidence for complex stratified societies?

dwelling sizes, locations

hint: concept of inequality in life = inequality in death

remember evidence of variable access to food depending on status


Examples of cities/states in different areas:

Sumerians –  ancient Ur and Uruk in the Fertile Crescent

Mesoamericans – Teotihuacan

Other cultures – spontaneous generation of “state” in human culture in other areas


Why do these forms (cities/states) arise?  What makes cities/states necessary? (3 theories — you will need to explain)


population expansion, war, need for more resources

organization of trade and commerce (local and long distance trade)


What are the three reasons for the decline and collapse of states?

>Environmental degradation –non-sustainable use of resources, climate change,

>Overextension — too much territory or population to govern effectively

>internal conflict because of leader mismanagement or exploitation – upsetting the social organization and no longer allowing for the smooth function of social systems through overuse or accumulation of power, wealth or both


Essential Question: Think of a society you can name that ended in each of these ways.  Describe and explain each societies collapse and how it is linked to one of the three reasons for decline.

Why would each of these be a threat to a civilization/state? Which is the greatest threat to ours? Why?



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