Unit 7 Rise of States

Main concepts for Unit 7

Pre 8000 y.a. communities vs. 5500 y.a. shift to “states” and “civilization”

Neolithic societies: egalitarian, sustainable communities, no labor specialization, little variance in status and wealth, no public buildings and little evidence of governmental organizations or control, of roughly equal size

Factors that indicate a state:

heirarchical and centralized decision making affects a large population

part of the population is NOT involved in food production

full time religious and craft specialists

public buildings and other spaces

official art style

hierarchical society, elite ruling and religious class

exclusive use of force to further social goals controlled by government alone

Other stuff to know about:

commodity seals, message seals, bullae — why these are important

cuneiform writing — origins, eventual uses

Early Uruk state structure as example of increasingly complex society

7000 y.a. to 5500 y.a. as the formative era for creation of cities and states

archeological evidence for the rise of complex social and political societies

inequality in death = inequality in death

possible role of irrigation in formation of political societies

Sumerians — their empire

Mesoamericans — Teotihuacan

Other cultures — spontaneous emergence of cities and states in human culture around the world

Big questions–

Where did these complex societies come from? What brings them about?

What are the consequences for state formation for humans and the environment?

What are the possible causes for the decline and collapse of states?

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