Unit 15 Religion, Magic and the Supernatural

After reading and studying Chapter 14, you should be able to: 
1. Define and critically evaluate the concept of religion.
2. Explain the focus of anthropological interest in the functions of religion.
3. Distinguish between religion and magic.
4. Explain the difference between sorcery and witchcraft (and Wicca.)
5. Recognize the structural and doctrinal similarities and differences between the Roman Catholicism and Voodoo religions.
6. Describe what myths are and explain their function for society.
7. Understand the social and the psychological functions of religion.
8. Describe Wallace’s four categories of religious organization.
9. Give an example of an individualistic cult.
10. Explain the difference between shamanistic cults and communal cults.
11. Evaluate the relationship between ecclesiastical cults and state societies.
12. Describe how religion can play an important role in transforming a society.
13. Give examples and describe the functions of revitalization movements.
14. Understand the way religion is affected by contemporary globalization.

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